Saturday, September 27, 2008

American Financial Crisis

One can certainly say that the American economy has seen better days than the ones it is experiencing currently. Every sector is going through some kind of crunch or the other. From automotive and airlines to construction and retail sales, every industry is facing problems.

This is a problem that has started way back; probably as far as a few decades ago. People started becoming irresponsible; looking for instant gratification. Money was spent like water. And the sad part is, that we still do not realize the gravity of the situation.

A direct result of our actions today is complete pandemonium. People cannot afford to pay back loans; properties are being seized due to non payment of dues. And of course, need I mention that Wall Street isn’t exactly in its prime at the moment.

Both President Bush and Senator John McCain say that the fundamentals of our economy are sound. But on what basis do they have the right to make such a statement? I would really like them, especially the president t explain to us exactly what these fundamentals are.

Today, our economy might be in a shabby condition, but it is only ourselves that we have to blame. But on the other hand, it is never too late to turn the ship around. All we need to do is use our resources properly and there is every chance of making a great comeback!

Of course, many might say what does he know when I make statements such as the ones I have made above. But I am after all an American citizen and I do follow what is happening in my country, as I am a part of it. And I am sure that everyone belonging to my community feels the same way. We are a part of America and we want what is best for her!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

An ode to my girlfriend’s curls:

I love curly hair! It all first started when I met my girlfriend. Before that I was more of your silky smooth kind of guy. I always thought it wouldn’t be easy to run my hand through her thick, luscious growth of curls, but boy was I wrong! In one smooth, slow motion, my fingertips smoothly went through her garden of curls, and I was stunned to see how nice it felt! From then onwards I have been a lover of curls and it will remain that way till the day I die.

The best part about curly hair is that it looks great, no matter how one wears it, looking fabulous is not a problem. No matter how my girlfriend wears her curly hair, be it tied down or plaited. I especially love it when she just lets it go loose and free! I think it makes her look like a real wild child! 

But the amount of hair products she uses for her curly hair is unbelievable! Anti frizz shampoo and conditioner, hair tonic, hair serum! My God; I think she must spend at least half her salary on it! But whatever makes it look good and feel strong can’t be that bad now, can it?!

Curly hair, I will always love you, no matter how you look! All messy in the morning or all wet and dripping after a long hot shower! I am your biggest admirer eternally!

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